Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Just because I don't have a penis doesn't mean I'm stupid..

It happens, it will likely always happen so long as I'm in this field.  But that doesn't mean I like it.  It's the little things.  The snide comments, the way some guys treat you when you're talking to them about their computer, or maybe they'll just say something to your face.  But even after four years and working for a great company (I seriously love my job and the company I work for), you still get these little slights once in a while.  The way someone in a technical position outside your department will starting explaining technical things that very clearly someone in my position would know.  But clearly I wouldn't because I'm just a girl.  I once overheard someone say, "I'm not sure if she'll be able to fix it.  She's a girl."

A girl.  Yep.  I have all the parts.  I also have a brain thankyouverymuch.

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